my ex-boyfriend has written to me randomly on a social network, we were talking for a while and in the end I realized that he was a little sad and he ended up telling me that his girlfriend left him alone to go with another guy, .. and that's it the same thing he did to me a long time ago, sometimes I wonder if karma exists or is it simply life itself and its consequences... am I a bad person for feeling a little good about it?
Es increible el nivel de atencion que le doy actualmente a los podcast .. ultimamente paso la mayor parte de mi tiempo libre escuchando podcast e incluso viendo en youtube, y realmente me quita mucho tiempo, siemplemente me quedo hipnotizada por horas frente a la pantalla sin voluntad alguna de levantarme de la cama haha.. necesito ayuda y disciplina .. mucha disciplina
With my angel face I feel that I have an obsessive compulsive problem due quiet. Everything must be in place, the clothes ordered by color or size, the shoes in one place always ... sometimes I feel that I had to be born in Korea, I feel that I have that thing to baptize every place of my house .. what I put in that place you have not to move it, otherwise CHAAOOOS!
I never made a blog in my short life, I just want to say that I feel good learning English every day so genuine and fun .. I love reading greetings with another language totally unknown to me, I feel very curious and desire to learn more words and Greetings in different languages. Help me a little
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